Brunswick County has declared a Stage 1 Water Conservation Alert effective immediately to ensure adequate water is available for essential needs. Holden Beach customers are under the same restrictions since the town receives our water from Brunswick County Public Utilities.
Under a Stage 1 Water Alert, water system customers are requested to make voluntary adjustments to their water usage habits to reduce peak demands. Irrigation demands represent the bulk of non-essential water use, so a primary way that customers may reduce water usage is to limit irrigation. A unified application of voluntary water reductions by all users may help to avoid mandatory water restrictions in the event drought conditions do not lessen.
Click here see the full press release from Brunswick County for more details. You can also click here and here for helpful tips on reducing water usage.
In response to the restrictions, the splash pad located at Bridgeview Park will only be open Fridays – Sundays, 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. The new splash pad hours will remain in effect until further notice.
Residents will be notified if any other conversation measures are needed and when restrictions are no longer required.