Family Nighttime Easter Egg Hunt
The Town will hold its annual nighttime Easter Egg Hunt on Friday, April 5th beginning at 7:00 p.m. Teams of four will compete against each other. Participants will need to bring their own flashlights to the event and something to place their eggs in.
Participants MUST register by March 18th and space is limited to the first 100 families. Email Christy at to register.
Note: This hunt is designed to be a family event. Those teams with less than four people and without adults will be at a disadvantage. You may not have more than four people on your team. Those with team members less than 9 years old will be placed in the first group until space runs out. Please indicate in your email if this age stipulation applies to you.
Yard Debris Service
Yard debris is collected on the second and fourth Fridays of March, April and May.
Debris must be placed in a biodegradable bag (not plastic biodegradable) or bundled in a length not to exceed five (5) feet and fifty (50) pounds. Each residence is allowed a total of ten (10) items, which can include a combination of bundles of brush and limbs meeting the required length and weight and/ or biodegradable bags with grass clippings, leaves, etc.
Picks-ups are not provided for vacant lots or construction sites.
Public Input Session Holden Beach Pier
The Town of Holden Beach is seeking input on the Holden Beach Pier Property. Bowman Murray Hemingway Architects will hold a public input session on Thursday, February 29th, starting at 5:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Public Assembly.
The public will have the opportunity to drop by, review the proposed project with the architect and submit written comments. The public input session is not intended to be a meeting of the Board of Commissioners.
Public Input – Block Q
The Board of Commissioners tasked the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (PRAB) with developing a new site plan for Block Q that includes a concert space with dance floor, ADA compliant bathrooms and greenspace. Other potential amenities to be examined by the PRAB include playground equipment, shaded areas, benches, picnic tables, informational panels, areas for food trucks and usage during festivals.
The PRAB held an initial scoping session with the architect to organize the effort and will have future working sessions in which public input is encouraged. The first session to provide public input is Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Public Assembly. Comments may be provided by attending the session or sending them to the town clerk at by Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. The purpose of this particular session is to obtain feedback from those property owners and businesses directly adjacent to Block Q and who might be impacted by any changes to the site. These property owners will also receive a letter from the town in the next few days.