Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Follow Up May 2023
TUESDAY, MAY 16, 2023 – 5:00 P.M.
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Commissioner Gerald Arnold was not in attendance.
1. Invocation
2. Call to Order/ Welcome
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Agenda Approval Added item 10A, a Memorandum of Agreement for dredging of the Lockwood Folly Inlet and an associated budget amendment for $850,000. Agenda was approved as amended.
5. Approval of Minutes All approved as presented.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 18, 2023
Minutes of the Special Meeting of April 20, 2023
6. Public Comments on Agenda Items Jim Bauer spoke on item #10. Asked for more clarity when discussing budget items; too many acronyms. Also on the Storm Water issues, is that pre or post the resurfaced road? (The issues will be addressed as they come up on the agenda.)
7. Police Report – Chief Dixon Swore in a new officer; now in training. Currently one officer short. Days at the Dock was great on Saturday, though shut down on Sunday due to weather concerns. Parking violations are increasing as expected. Paid parking is in effect. He is working on last month’s tasker on the No Wake Zone, hopes to bring back information next month.
8. Inspections Department Report – Inspections Director Evans His department is very active. 191 OBW has been removed.
9. Discussion and Possible Action on Coastal Race Productions Request for Run HB – Assistant Town Manager Ferguson Race is scheduled for October 7. Motion to approve was unanimous.
10. Discussion and Possible Action on Ordinance 23-09, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 22-14, The Revenues and Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2022 – 2023 (ARP Funds, Amendment No. 15) – Finance Officer McRainey Funds are earmarked for Storm Water. Funds are moving from American Rescue Fund, (ARP) fund to the General Fund to be used next year. Approved unanimously.
10A. Dredging of Lockwood Folly Inlet: Town Manager Hewitt discussed the issue and the associated budget amendment. Since the inlet is unsafe, the Town has made arrangements with Dare County to use their hopper dredge to clear the inlet. This should allow the Corps to be able to maintain it. The cost is $850,000. The Town has applied for a state grant for 75% of the cost and the Town and County will split the remainder. Dredging could begin by the end of the week. The dredge spoils will be placed in the near-shore “swash zone” in approximately 8’ of water along our beach. Approved unanimously. Read Manager Hewitt’s memo, the MOA (Memorandum of Agreement), and Budget Amendment 23-10 here.
11. Public Comments on General Items Irv Woods was concerned about the Inlet Hazard Area. He is glad to see that it has been postponed for a year.
12. Town Manager’s Report Christy Ferguson was recognized for her UNC Pembroke graduation. The Inlet Hazard Area issue has been put off for at least a year. The requested $2.7M grant for the Greensboro Sewer Lift Station from the EPA is in process and they have sent the first information over. It is Congressionally approved, but sending the information is the first step to hopeful approval. A NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) review may be required; he is hoping for an exemption. Public Works is hooking up the trailer bathrooms at the pier. He has seen an increased inquiry by Food Trucks. Beach Rangers start next week. Concerts start the following week. Repairs and carpentry work at 796 OBW is underway. Prep work on Tide Ridge paving is underway. Public Works is using cameras on pipes for the storm water assessment.
13. Mayor’s Comments Feels like summer time. The meeting with Brunswick County Emergency Operations is coming up. Bike Path project still progressing. Construction is good on the island. Thanks to the Holden Beach Beautification Club; Town Hall looks wonderful.
14. Board of Commissioners’ Comments
Commissioner Smith – thanks to Rhonda Wooten and congratulations on retirement. Thanks for installation of pier restrooms. 796 OBW is looking good. Halstead Park gazebo was cleaned up. Golf Carts (LSVs) we need to be diligent with enforcement. He is concerned about leash laws and dogs on the beach, something needs to be done. He is glad to see progress on the Lockwood Folly Inlet (LFI) issue. The island looks great, thanks to homeowners. Bike week is in effect. Please be careful.
Commissioner Murdock – thanks to the staff. Thanks to the Holden Beach Beautification Club. They had a Plant Sale at his building – had a good sale. Enjoyed having them up there. Blessing to get the LFI completed. The bathrooms are almost completed; the Porta-potty will be removed. Nice improvement.
Commissioner Dyer – Staff is working diligently. Thankful for LFI action. It is very dangerous. She emphasized that the dogs shouldn’t be on the beach because of the heat of the sand. Also light colored dogs can get skin cancer. Dogs can also get overheated. She also discussed that people need to keep the new restrooms clean.
Commssioner Arnold was not in attendance.
15. Adjournment
* Visit watch the livestream of the meeting. Public comments can be submitted to prior to 12:00 p.m. on May 16, 2023. BOC Agenda 05/16/23